Xbox One Won’t Turn On But Makes Sound: Why Is It Happening?!

Have you ever had an issue where your Xbox One Won’t Turn on but Makes Sound? Gaming is one of the sweetest escapes some of us can run to after a long, stressful day. But sometimes, there are days when even a gaming session can turn irritatingly sour.

Imagine laying on your sofa, just about ready to shoot a grunt in the face, and suddenly realizing that your Xbox One won’t turn on but makes a sound. You sit there, looking at a black screen, taken aback by the audacity of the gaming gods to provide you with such a challenge after an exhausting day.

It’s something that’s sure to frustrate anybody more than getting spawned kill repeatedly. Fret not for your mission to find the answer ends here, soldier! What exactly can you do to fix this problem?

Thankfully, you are not alone in this seemingly lonesome quest. Others have gone before you and have emerged successful! And here’s how!
If your Xbox One won’t turn on but makes a sound, you can try doing a power cycle or a soft reset. You can even try doing both just to be on the safe side of things! As the old saying goes, when something just doesn’t want to work, all you have to do is try turning it on and off again.

This is one of the least invasive steps you can do to your Xbox One as it doesn’t affect any of the things you have installed on your console. However, it is recommended that you try and perform the soft reset first as this step drains all of your console’s power.
by following the instructions below:

  • Unplug your console’s power cable from the wall outlet
  • Wait a quarter of a minute (about 15 seconds)
  • Press the console’s power button a couple of times

This will allow your console to discharge any of the extra built-up electricity that has been stored in its capacitors. Once you are done with the steps above, try plugging your console back in to see if it works!
Doing a Power Cycle

Sometimes, a simple soft reset may not cut it. Luckily, the steps you can take don’t stop there. The next step you can do is power cycling. Doing it is also pretty easy to do, and here are the steps to do it:

Press the power button again to wake your console up from standby mode.

Make sure your Xbox One is turned off and press and hold the power button for about 10 seconds

Wait until the light indicator from the power brick intermittently blinks orange and then eventually to white

Your console would have entered standby mode once you see the light turn solid orange
Sometimes your console may be stuck in a software loop and doing the usual fixes won’t do your Xbox One problem any good. However, there are actually a couple of button presses you can do on your Xbox One to get it to work, much like a cheat code.

But instead of giving you 30 extra lives, it gives your Xbox One another shot at making you a savior of some digital galaxy! One of the button presses you can do is the Triple Button Hold.

Turn on the console by pressing and holding the Power and Sync buttons again until the unit start’s up and initiates its sync process.

Simultaneously press and hold the Power, Sync, and Eject buttons for 10 seconds

After the initial 10 seconds, release the Eject button while still pressing both the Power and Sync buttons and give it another 15 seconds

Release the Power and Sync buttons after the 15 seconds have elapsed